Auto login with GUID

If the dashboard is not setup to use Active directory auto login then the user can be logged in by passing a GUID on the query string. Each users GUID is unique to that user.

You need to enable auto login in the dashboard.config file by changing the following setting to be true:-
<!-- Set to true if a Users GUID can be passed on the querystring to auto log a user into the dashboard. -->
<AllowLoginWithUserIdentifier Value="false" />

To obtain the GUID for a user, navigate to the Admin -> Users screen, select the user that you want to log in as in the left panel and click on the Edit button to start making changes ( dash50).

On the details for that page, click on 'Show User GUID':
 Copy the User GUID or just use the Copy dash58 Icon.


Then to log a user in automatically to the system you can use the following URL:

To make this more secure the URL can also be encrypted. See Adding URL encryption