Intuitive Dashboards Core Software
- Getting Started
- Viewing Dashboards
- Interacting with dashboards
- Filters
- Connections
- Datafeeds
- Datasets
- Components
- Creating Dashboards and Components - Overview
- Creating Components
- Creating a Dashboard
- Administering the System
- Administering Users
- Administering Groups
- Security Filters - V5.2 and earlier
- Security Filters - V5.3 Onward
- Embedding Dashboards
- Configuration File
- Installation & Configuration Guide
- Version History
Intuitive for PaperCut V2
Intuitive for PaperCut MF V3
Intuitive for SAFEQ
Intuitive For Managed Print Services (MPS)
Intuitive Cloud Services
Intuitive for PaperCut Hive V1
Intuitive for SAFEQ Cloud
Intuitive for Docuware
Changing dataset column order
Applies to v4.5 and later.
Dataset columns are initially organised in the order they were created, but it is possible to arrange them in an order that is more suited to your needs.To change the dataset column order:
- Edit the dataset Main Menu -> Dataset Builder -> Edit Dataset.
- To re-order the columns, firstly toggle your dataset to a List-View by selecting the list view
Icon to the top right of the dataset. The resulting view should look like this:
Note: You can toggle back to the standard Data-View via the
- You can now reorder the columns by dragging-and-dropping them (up/down) to their new positions via the icon on the left of each column name.
- Using this view, you can also quickly and easily edit columns inline.
- Once you have reordered the columns to your liking, save
your dataset.