Changing the Master component

While viewing a Master-Detail dashboard, you can opt to temporarily change the Master component, which the Dashboard Designer has created. This allows the filtering of the dashboard to be driven by a different component than the default which is sometimes desirable.

Note: Changing the Master component while viewing a dashboard is only temporary and for the duration of your own user session. This is only for viewing/presentation purposes and no changes will affect other dashboard users. For you to be able to edit a dashboard and permanently change the Master component, your user would have to be granted at least Dashboard Designer privileges.

There are two ways to change the Master component:

  • From the existing Master Component
    Choose 'Change Master from the component  menu sc70 icon.
  • From any detail component.
    Choose 'Make Master' from the component menu sc70 icon.

Method 1 : Open up the dashboard you would like to view by navigating to Main Menu > View Dashboard.

  1. Click on the component menu (cog icon) on the top right hand corner of the current Master component.
  2. Select 'Change Master'.
  3. A list of all components on the dashboard will come up. Select the one you would like to be your new Master component.dash75
  4. Select Apply to preview changes or OK to save the new Master component.
  5. You can now filter your dashboard on the chart component 'Sales By Customer'.dash76

Method 2 : Open up the dashboard you would like to view by navigating to Main Menu > View Dashboard.

  1. Decide which detail component you would like to become the Master
  2. Click on the component menu sc70 icon.
  3. Choose 'Make Master' from the menu.
  4. This component will now be set to the master component.

Note: When the Master component is changed, any filters already applied via a different Master will be reset. You cannot filter using two masters at the same time.