Comparing Intuitive to SAFEQ Cloud Reports

Module 6 of Intuitive Software Expertise

The current SAFEQ Cloud reports are fairly limited in what they can produce. They’re a time-based report of activities performed between two dates, based on a spreadsheet-style display of a printer, user or department and the volumes associated with them. 

When comparing the SAFEQ Cloud report against Intuitive, the first caveat to consider surrounds the dates themselves. 

Inside the SAFEQ Cloud report, the ‘from’ date is from that day, for any activities starting that day, up the ‘to’ date which is to the end of that particular day. 

For example, if we chose a date range in SAFEQ Cloud for the “Print Totals by device” report of the 08/05/2024 to 09/05/2024, that’s a range of the 5th August 2024 @ 00:00am to the 5th of September 2024 @ 23:59pm. 

The reason why this is crucial, is that Intuitive’s timeframes are rolling views. In the first data load, we select up to two years’ worth of data from the point of data ingestion. This means that if we first inserted our API details at 2:54pm on the 5th of September 2024, and the customer has four years of data, we would only select up to the 5th of September 2022 at 2:54pm. 

So, when comparing the reports, you need to level the playing field and give the two solutions the same starting conditions. One way to perform this is to exclude the current day from the SAFEQ Cloud report (as Intuitive reloads data once a day and early in the morning), and also factor in the ‘last’ day from your sample and ensure both have the exact same amount of data. 

For example, if we wanted to compare the two between each other and ‘today’ is the 5th of September 2024, we could select a range inside of SAFEQ Cloud’s report of the 4th of August 2024 to the 4th of September 2024. Then in parallel, create a grid component inside of Intuitive to display the below metrics (If comparing the “Print Totals by device”), and filter the component to view the exact range you’ve specified inside of SAFEQ Cloud. 

  • Device Name 
  • No. Users 
  • No. Jobs 
  • Mono Pages 
  • Color Pages 
  • Total Pages 

Should the totals remain the same between the two solutions, you’ve therefore proven that the data we are presenting is the same that SAFEQ has displayed in its own reports. 

If it isn’t, you may need to investigate the parity between the two data sources. Again, bear in mind the timeframes we are selecting (up to two years) and ensure that you’re giving the two pieces of software the exact same starting conditions.