Applies to v4.5 and later.
When building a dataset, you can create calculated measure columns from any of the source columns found in the datafeed, using the expression builder.
To create a measure column expression:
- Create or Edit and existing dataset.
- In the dataset builder, drag-and-drop a new column from the datafeed to the dataset.
Note: The original column selection for a measure column is entirely arbitrary as this can be changed to any column in the datafeed via the expression builder. - Open up the Column Property dialogue box by clicking on the column header in the dataset. Set the column name and select the Category Measure.
- Now type an expression directly or open the expression editor via the
- In the expression editor, you can see the list of available datafeed columns on the left, as well as the function buttons that can be attributed to them i.e. sum, count etc. The large text panel at the top shows the current expression.
- To create an expression, you can type it free hand or search and select the column from the datafeed list and specify the function to apply e.g. Sum. It will be inserted into the expression automatically as Sum({Column_Name}).
The example above shows a typical expression which calculates the % of mono pages being printed. - You can also expand the expression using the standard mathematical operators ie + - * / and add parentheses (). The order in which calculations take place conforms to standard BODMAS principles.
- Once you have created the expression, you will need to validate it to make sure it has been entered correctly before saving the expression, the column properties and the dataset.
- To see the derived values in the dataset column, you will need to save
the dataset, at which point the software will perform the final calculations.
Note: When a measure is placed on a chart/grid/gauge, the system will perform the dynamic calculation required, automatically grouping by the chosen attributes present.