Datafeed not displaying any data?

When creating a new datafeed, it is entirely possible for no data to get displayed in the datafeed currently being viewed. When this issue occurs, please refer to the Intuitive log files which can be found in the following location:


Note - depending on your system setup, the Intuitive_Workfiles folder maybe in a different location to the default path specified above. 

Once located, the log file should include details of what the issue is and ways to resolve the problem. Nevertheless, a list of known issues for data not being displayed in the feed are listed below:  

Duplicated column names - the dashboard doesn't allow for duplicated column names to be loaded into a datafeed. This is due the dashboard being designed around the notion of 'create once then reuse'. When this issue occurs, depending on your version of the software, a pop up message may appear stating there are duplicated column names within the source data.

Special characters - within some data sources such as text files and spreadsheets it is possible for the data to contain special characters, such as the pipe symbol '|'  (in the columns or their headers). As a rule of thumb, special characters should be removed as some characters can not be processed by the software and others provide specific functionality such as defining when a column starts and finishes. 

Incompatible column datatypes - This error is caused when the dashboard database is expecting a different data type to the one defined in the source data. In this situation, the dashboard will reject the column and prevent the datafeed from being loaded.

Misspellings in the source query -  If you are encountering issues with the datafeed refreshing but the connection is established correctly, make sure there are no misspellings in its source query – e.g., there are no double square brackets, causing the feed to pull data only partially – [[Column1], [column 2], etc.

You can also delete the cached feeds from C:\Intuitive_WorkFiles\Feeds and try again after a restart of the service. Make sure to back them up first.

If after checking the log files the problem persists, please contact the support team at: