Location of the SQL instance hosting the ‘dashboard’ database

The location of the SQL instance hosting the ‘dashboard’ database is specified in the dashboard.config file discussed on Part One of the Installation Guide.

The following line near the first section of the dashboard.config can be updated to change the location of the sql server instance:

<add name="DashboardContext" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=dashboard;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />

Steps to migrate:

1 – Stop the dashboard service.

2 – Backup the dashboard.config file and dashboard database.

3 – Restore the dashboard database file to the new target instance.

4 - Alter the security setup of the new instance so the dashboard service can read/write to the db.

5 – Alter the dashboard.config file; changing the “Data Source =” setting to the new sql instance name. Save it.

6 – Restart the dashboard service.

7 – That’s it. The dashboard service should log into the new instance and begin reading and writing dashboard definitions within it.