Preparing a SQL Server connection

Relational databases are server-based engines. Clients of all varieties must connect using a local module which must be installed on any computer wishing to make a connection. ODBC drivers are normally part of, or addons to, the SQL Client and often ship with it.
For the dashboard service to communicate with a relational database, the appropriate SQL Client must be installed on the dashboard server. In the case of SQL Server, these components are likely to already be present due to the dashboard's use of SQL Server to host its embedded definitions database.

Setting up an SQL Server ODBC Data Source:

  1. Go to the ODBC Administrator and select the System DSN tab. Click the Add button.
  2. Choose the SQL Server ODBC driver. Click Finish.
  3. Name and describe your source. Choose a SQL-Server instance from those available in the server dropdown list. You may need to manually type the domain and server name (or possibly an IP address).
  4. Choose either Windows or SQL Server authentication.
  5. If SQL Server authentication is used then type the UID and Password giving access to the remote Database. Note that the password entered is not stored inside the ODBC Data Source. The UID and PWD should be entered as part of the definition of the dashboard Connection, they are stored within the dashboard and submitted with each query.
    If Windows authentication is used, will not be prompted for a UID and password, however you should ensure that the dashboard service server name (or network account under which the service runs) are registered with the remote SQL server and given appropriate permissions.
  6. Choose which database within the previously-chosen instance you want to connect to.
  7. Complete the setup of the source, test and save it.
  8. Your new source should appear on the list of System DSNs inside the ODBC administrator.
  9. Create a Connection.