In this module, we’ll detail what you need to get ready ahead of the provisioning of your Intuitive Dashboards.
In each of our Print Solutions, you’ll have access to two key pieces of documentation. We have our Playbook, which details the pre-requisites, services rendered and tasks involved from taking the customer through from Proposal, through to ongoing Customer Success.
To find these documents, they’ll be listed in our Partner Portal.
Let’s take a look at the Playbook first and run you through what’s required.
In a SAFEQ Cloud implementation, customers will have a fully hosted Intuitive installation.
There are still some areas that you will be responsible for delivering or preparing, so we’ll run you through them.
If you haven’t already seen a playbook, as we mentioned earlier it’s a key document for taking you through from the Proposal of our dashboards, through to Customer Success, which is about continually driving usage and analysis from the dashboards. In each section, we use a RACI methodology, which stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consultable and Informed.
RACI is applied to each major role in your business, with a suggested list of job titles for who may be responsible for each. Please note, your organization could use different terms, so you may need to match up our descriptions, to ones within your organization.
In the proposal, you can see those three sections broken down.
The pre-requisites for this stage is that the customer just needs to be on version 3.40 of SAFEQ Cloud.
For the services rendered, you’ll have access to the resources onscreen via our Partner Portal. As for the task list, you can see the tasks involved at this stage, which includes the demonstration of the Intuitive dashboards, the completion of the Customer Checklist (which we’ll detail later) up to and including the Pre-Sales section, and a cost estimate of the licenses and services.
With the proposal in hand, we can move onto the Order phase. The pre-requisites are that the Customer Checklist has been updated, as per the Proposal task list.
Additionally, Intuitive can send over the API Connection Details and User Authentication guides if needed.
The task list for the Order is as follows, a submission of the license PO to Intuitive, then if required, a submissions of the services PO to Intuitive. Afterwards, Intuitive will acknowledge the order and produce an invoice.
With the implementation of Intuitive for SAFEQ Cloud, the main pieces of information you’ll need to get ahead of time are the areas onscreen, which should have been filled out up to, and including, the Design section.
For the services included, Intuitive will create a base pod for SAFEQ Cloud. This is effectively a blank template ready for you to key in your SAFEQ Cloud API details.
Ahead of time, we apply the license, the user authentication methods, the click cost metrics, the URL and if applicable, the branding of the dashboards.
The tasks in the document show this in action, with the handover point from Intuitive to you being dependent on your commercial agreements with Intuitive.
As part of the deployment and pricing, we also provide delivery of end-user training. This helps get your users up to speed with Intuitive, and how they can drive through the dashboards.
Customer Success
In the last stage for the Playbook, we move onto Customer Success.
This is a pivotal stage of the provisioning, as this is the driving force for dashboard engagement, and how we can help you get the most out of your data.
The pre-requisites for this are that the Intuitive installation has been fully configured for end-user access, and that you have at least 3 months’ worth of data available.
As the DX dashboards will be used primarily for this section, they view the last rolling 3 months of detailed data.
As part of Customer Success, we perform a health check ahead of time, perform a workshop with the end customer, provide a list of recommendations or areas of process improvement, with a handover back to the partner accounts team follow up for future workshops if required.
So that’s our playbook. We’d implore to look at these tasks in detail, as this will show exactly what is required of you for each of the major stages.
Now let’s have a look at our Customer Checklist.
Customer Checklist
The Customer Checklist is a side-by-side document to be filled out whilst you progress through the playbook.
You’ll have noticed that a lot of the Playbook pre-requisites require you to fill out several sections of the checklist, which we’ll be able to detail in a little bit.
Starting at the top, Proposal is the first stage to be filled out at the Pre-Sales stage.
Each implementation has a number of pre-requisites and customization options.
You can see as we scroll through that it encompasses areas of the deal, the customers environment and their preferences. The checkboxes and fields on the right allow you to fill this out as you move through, and provides key talking points for you to have with the customer.
As we stated in the Playbook, each SAFEQ Cloud implementation has a User Training module as part of the package.
You can specify additional training modules which details the content delivered.
Before moving on, just like the Playbook, we’d really encourage you to read each of the points outside of this training.
The quotation section of the document details the professional services and license requirements the customer requires. This sections forms the basis of the Order.
With a standard SAFEQ Cloud implementation, you are responsible for creating the API details and if required, the authentication provider details. From that point, depending on partner agreements, you may be responsible for the rest of the points onscreen. The below screenshot includes some, but not all, of the additional options.
This list details the configuration and customization of the Intuitive software, including, but not limited to, new user accounts, dashboard customization and training modules.
Each professional services activity will have recommended time allowance, which you’ll be able to total up at the bottom. There will be a minimum requirement for both Intuitive and the partner, as both will have responsibilities for the service being provisioned.
Lastly for the quotation, you can detail the license requirements here. There are a standard number of viewer accounts which can either be viewed onscreen, or alternatively, the Intuitive accounts team can confirm for you.
When the service is being implemented, you’ll need to ensure the information onscreen has been filled out, as the implementation may be delayed if it is not ready in time. The below screenshot includes some, but not all, of the additional options.
We do also provide 25 boxes for the user accounts that you wish to have access to the dashboards. Either the implementation engineer, or Intuitive will use this to create and deliver the accounts. Additionally, you can nominate a security filter for each account. One example is that if the head of Sales can only view their own department, and the Department has been named Sales within the Print Management solution, then you can write it into the field as such.
Customer Success
Lastly we move onto the Customer Success phase.
The fields onscreen follow the Playbooks tasks almost identically. You need to confirm that they have enough data to demonstrate with, if they’d like the health check, when they’d like the workshop to take place and if required, a follow up workshop a few months later.