- Help Center
- Intuitive Dashboards Core Software
- Creating a Dashboard
Intuitive Dashboards Core Software
- Getting Started
- Viewing Dashboards
- Interacting with dashboards
- Filters
- Connections
- Datafeeds
- Datasets
- Components
- Creating Dashboards and Components - Overview
- Creating Components
- Creating a Dashboard
- Administering the System
- Administering Users
- Administering Groups
- Security Filters - V5.2 and earlier
- Security Filters - V5.3 Onward
- Embedding Dashboards
- Configuration File
- Installation & Configuration Guide
- Version History
Intuitive for PaperCut V2
Intuitive for PaperCut MF V3
Intuitive for SAFEQ
Intuitive For Managed Print Services (MPS)
Intuitive Cloud Services
Intuitive for PaperCut Hive V1
Intuitive for SAFEQ Cloud
Intuitive for Docuware
Publishing a dashboard
Publishing dashboards to the group structure allows users with membership of those groups to view or edit them. If a dashboard isn't published then only the creator of the dashboard has access to it and it will reside in the user's 'Unpublished' area.
For a more detailed explanation of publication please see Understanding the Publication Process.
To publish a dashboard
1 Select the Publish Dashboard
For a more detailed explanation of publication please see Understanding the Publication Process.
To publish a dashboard
1 Select the Publish Dashboard

2 Select the Groups(s) that you wish to publish the dashboard into. Multiple selections can be made. i.e. Healthcare and Sales.

3 If required, tick the 'Allow other designers to edit this object'.
Dashboards can be published to multiple groups simultaneously. Optionally, you can make the dashboard editable by other designers and administrator by ticking the “Allow other Designers to edit this object” tickbox. Then click OK.
4 To unpublish a dashboard, jus untick all of the groups that a dashboard has been published to. The Dashboard will then re-appear in the users 'Unpublished' area.