- Help Center
- Intuitive Dashboards Core Software
- Embedding Dashboards
Intuitive Dashboards Core Software
- Getting Started
- Viewing Dashboards
- Interacting with dashboards
- Filters
- Connections
- Datafeeds
- Datasets
- Components
- Creating Dashboards and Components - Overview
- Creating Components
- Creating a Dashboard
- Administering the System
- Administering Users
- Administering Groups
- Security Filters - V5.2 and earlier
- Security Filters - V5.3 Onward
- Embedding Dashboards
- Configuration File
- Installation & Configuration Guide
- Version History
Intuitive for PaperCut V2
Intuitive for PaperCut MF V3
Intuitive for SAFEQ
Intuitive For Managed Print Services (MPS)
Intuitive Cloud Services
Intuitive for PaperCut Hive V1
Intuitive for SAFEQ Cloud
Intuitive for Docuware
Returning control through a JavaScript function
When the dashboard is embedded inside another web page, control can be passed back to the hosting application by creating a 'Drillout' component & setting its type to be 'JavaScript Function' as in the screenshot below.
The XML in the above screenshot is passed into the JavaScript method. The elements are:-
- ColumnName: This is the name of the column in the dataset that was clicked to cause the drillout to be called
- DataType: The type of the dataset column
- ColumnID: The dashboards internal ID for the column that was clicked
- ComponentID: The dashboards internal ID of the component that was clicked. This can be used if you have multiple components in a dashboard that are JavaScript drillouts
- Values: This can either be a single value or a list of multiple values (comma separated) that were clicked to cause the drillout to be called.
A template function exists already in the dashboard.html file which will show a simple message showing what was clicked:-
<script type="text/javascript">
function DashboardMethod(xml) {