Running the dashboard under SSL / HTTPS

Additional security is offered by running the dashboard under https rather than http. In this case, the webserver (IIS) supplies a certificate to the client browser allowing validation that the site belongs to the organisation claimed. Additionally, encryption of network traffic is enforced under https. SharePoint and some other portals/intranets tend to run under https.

When embedding the dashboard inside another site, it is advisable to run it under the same protocol (i.e. http/https) in order to avoid the user being presented with confusing messages by their browser such as ‘Do you want to view both secure and insecure items on this page’.


Make the following changes to the Dashboard.config file

  1. Open this file from the below directory in a text editor:
    1. C:\Program Files\Intuitive Business Intelligence\Intuitive Dashboards\Server
  2. Change the BaseAddress UseSSL value on line 49 to “true”.


Make the following changes to the web.config file

  1. Open this file from the below directory in a text editor:
    1. C:\Program Files\Intuitive Business Intelligence\Intuitive Dashboards\Client
  2. Under <binding> change TransportCredentialsOnly to be Transport
  3. In the section <ServiceBehaviours> set httpsGetEnabled=true & httpGetEnabled =false


Install the SSL Certificate onto IIS

Select the server in the IIS console & open the Server Certificates section & add the certificate. This is only required when importing a self-signed certificate as certificates that have been generated by certified authorities will already have been installed onto IIS.


Enable SSL for the Dashboard website

  1. Select the dashboard website under Sites and select the "Bindings…" option on the right
  2. Add an https binding & select the SSL certificate that will be used for the dashboard.
  3. Start the Intuitive Dashboards service 
  4. Navigate to your dashboard in your browser and ensure there is the prefix of "https://"
    1. For example, https://localhost/

Should you receive the below error, ensure that you are reaching your dashboard over https, not http:

Unable to contact the dashboard server, please contact your administrator