Selecting dataset columns for component

Data in the Dataset is split into three column categories: blue Attribute columns, red Measure columns and green Pivot columns. All are built and specified by the System Designer within the underlying dataset. Attribute and Measure columns are explained in more detail in Understanding Attribute and Measure Columns.

To select a dataset columns for component (traditional method) 
Columns are selected by clicking and dragging the column header/title into the component builder as shown below. This operation can be performed multiple times as required. Each time, an advice panel message will explain what part of the component has been affected.

Dragging an Attribute

Each component type uses a different combination of columns from the Dataset as described below:

For Chart components, there can only be one blue attribute at any one time, selecting a different attribute overwrites the previous one. There can be multiple red measures on a chart and every measure column adds to the total number of series displayed by the chart. There can only be a single green pivot measure placed on a chart, but this in itself will create multiple chart series. You can combine a green pivot measure and multiple red measures on the same chart.

Dragging a Measure


For Grid components, the measure fields are displayed as a table and as such can accommodate as many attribute and measure columns as you see fit. Again, a maximum of only one green pivot measure may be displayed in a grid.

For Gauge components, only one red measure column can be displayed.

From V4.0 onward, there is an alternative method of selecting attributes and measures.

On the dataset header bar, there is an icon to toggle between the traditional column selection method (spreadsheet format) or column header selection only. You can also search for dataset columns.

dash33-1     Toggle to column header selection only
dash34-1     Toggle to traditional column selection (spreadsheet format)
dash35-1    Toggle between Alphetical and Dataset column sorting (v. 5+)

You can add a Pivot column using the very same methods:


Note: You can add only one green pivot measure to a grid or a chart component. You cannot use a pivot measure on a gauge component.

When building the component, you can choose to display your pivot column in a grid or as a stacked and unstacked bar chart, depending on how you would consider it more readable.

NOTE YAVOR: We should put all different chart types here:

unstacked bar chart


stacked bar chart


 Once you have defined a component, you can format the component using the Display Options.

Once you have built the component, the data within the component can be filtered to display a more specific set of results if required. This operation is described in the next section filtering component data.