Setting the Dashboards time out

The dashboards timing out (i.e. the user login session expiring) is an expected behaviour, if authentication through Active Directory is not enabled.  

Due to security reasons, the software is configured to log out a user after a certain amount of time (in minutes) of inactivity.

To change that setting:

1 Navigate to C:\Program Files\Intuitive Business Intelligence\Intuitive Dashboards\Server and open the Dashboard.Config file. (Any changes to the config will be picked up when the dashboard service restarts).  

You can edit the settings in the following line: 

      <!-- The time after which an inactive user will be automatically logged out. The time is in minutes --> 

      <SessionTimeout Minutes="60" /> 

Another suggestion is to enable Auto login with GUID. You can find detailed instructions on how to do that here.

Note: You can also set a force expiry of user passwords every n days. A setting of 0 results in passwords never expiring. You can set a number (e.g., 30 in the following line):
      <ExpirePassword Days="0" />