Specifying the colour scheme

The dashboard colour scheme can be completely customised to blend in with a host site or application. This can be done by altering the settings in the Dashboard.config file (found in C:\Program Files\Intuitive Business Intelligence\Intuitive Dashboards\Server). Make sure to back up your old configuration files first!

The colours used for the background of the dashboard & the components can be customised by changing the settings in the configuration file. Hex colours are in the format OORRGGBB where OO is the opacity, RR=Red, GG=Green and BB=blue. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors for more information on this format. Opacity is always required otherwise the settings are invalid. For simplicity the default value for opacity is FF.

When in the configuration file the default settings are as follows:


You can also customise the default header and welcome texts and their fonts and colours. The changes will be picked up after the Intuitive Dashboards Service is restarted.