Dashboard security is organised using a combination of two methods as follows:
1 User Roles determine what permissions the user has once logged in. They include the following:
- Dashboard Viewer. These users can view dashboards and interact with them.
- Dashboard Designer. These users can additionally build components and dashboards from the underlying datasets.
- System Designer. These users can additionally create datafeeds to load data into the system and create datasets for use in component creation.
- Administrator. These users can additionally create groups or users and perform other admin tasks.
2 Groups determine which dashboards, datasets and other entities a user has access to. The key aspects of the group structure are:
- The group structure is created by an administrator.
- The group structure is hierarchical. Permissions can be inherited both up or down the hierarchy.
- Users can be members of multiple groups. Group membership determines access to the different entities (Connections/Datafeeds/Datasets/Components/Dashboards/Group Security Identifiers).
- When a designer wishes to publish entities for use by colleagues, they do so via the group structure.
- Dashboards published to individual groups can be marked as 'Home Page Dashboards'. These dashboards will display on the tabstrip by default when a member of the group logs-in.
- Group Security Identifiers can also be created here for use by Security Filters.
The image below is taken from the [Admin]>[Groups] screen and shows the hierarchy of groups (Global at the top) within the optional Intuitive demonstration suite shipped with all installations.
A number of entities titled 'Sales...' have been published to the Sales group.
The entities would be accessible as follows:
- The 'Sales Forecast' dashboard would be accessible to be viewed by any user who is a member of the Sales group.
- The 'Sales Forecast' dashboard could be edited by any designer or administrator who is a member of the Sales group.
- The 'Sales Pipeline - Revenue by Period' component could be edited or used for dashboard construction by any designer or admin who is a member of the Sales group.
- The 'Sales Pipeline Forecast' dataset could be used to build components by any designer with access to Sales.
- The 'Sales Pipeline Forecast' dataset could be edited by any system designer or admin with access to Sales.