XML format file parameters

Complete options for the parameters within a text format file are included here:
<TABLE>  Required - Can be only one.
name: Optional - Specifies the name of the created data table.
fileformat: Optional - Delimited is the default
FixedWidth - The data file contains fixed width columns
Delimited - The data file contains delimited columns.
delimiter: Optional - Only used if fileformat = "Delimited" - Specifies what  delimits the fields. (comma is the default)
quotecharacter:  Optional - Only used if fileformat = "Delimited" - When a field is quoted, specifies what kind of quote (single or double) - '"' is the default.
<FIELD> Required for each field.
name: Required - A name for the field.
datatype: Required - Spcifies the datatype of the field.
quoted: Required if the TABLE.fileformat and if there are quotes around string data.
length": Required if the TABLE.fileformat = "FixedWidth". Specifies the length of the column.
Datatypes can be chosen from the following:
<TABLE Name="Intuitive - List of TextFile DataTypes" FileFormat="Delimited">
<FIELD Name="Decimal" DataType="Decimal" />
<FIELD Name="DateTime" DataType="DateTime" />
<FIELD Name="Int64" DataType="Int64" />
<FIELD Name="Quoted String" DataType="String" Quoted="true" />
<FIELD Name="Unquoted String" DataType="String" Quoted="false" />
<FIELD Name="Default Unquoted String" DataType="String" />

Examples of both delimited and fixed-width files with format files are shipped with Intuitive Dashboards and placed in the folder defined by workfiles_path.