Introduction to Intuitive Dashboards

Intuitive Dashboards empower you to create your own highly interactive and graphical dashboard view of key business data, based upon the metrics and KPIs that matter most to you. Unlike traditional Business Intelligence (BI) dashboards, it is intuitive, extremely easy-to-use and highly configurable.

Intuitive Dashboards can be easily implemented in hours rather than months, swiftly delivering dramatic business benefits.

A dashboard is a collection of 'graphical' components that are all displayed together on one screen. A component can be a chart,  gauge or grid. The dashboard below displays: 

  • 3 linear horizontal gauges
  • A horizontal bar chart
  • A doughnut chart


Dashboards are fully interactive and provide the user with the ability to drill into the information, change the visualisations or filter content on-demand.
Users can log in to the system via a modern HTML5 compatible browser.  The Dashboard Administrator and Dashboard Designers control which dashboards any individual user can view.