Creating a component

Components are the 'building blocks' of dashboards and each individual component is based on data from a single dataset therefore the dataset must exist before a component can be built.

Dashboards can be designed using multiple components which in-turn pull data from different datasets.

Only a user with the System Designer role or higher can create datasets.

When creating a new component the first job is to select the dataset on which to base the component. Only a user with the System Designer role or higher can create datasets.

To create a component:

1   Click the Menu button.

  Select Component Builder > New Component from the menu. 

3   Now select a dataset on which to base the component .

4   Now select the component type required (Chart, Grid, Gauge, Filter Component (V6.0 onwards), HTML)

5   Now select the dataset columns you wish the component to display by dragging and dropping them from the dataset on the left of the screen to the component on the right of the screen.

6   Now customise the component using the Display Options available:

7   Now set the component title

8   Now Save the component

9   Now Publish the component